Thursday, September 29, 2016

Some helpful tips on abs

In the fitness world today, there is not a body part with more attention paid to it than the abdominal muscles. With our obsession with abs, many aspiring entrepreneurs set out to market their device, diet, video or program which will give you “washboard abs,” a “six-pack,” “ripped abs,” or any other adjective to describe a well defined mid section. The problem is that the public, desperate for a quick fix, buys into these products, which at the end of the day, will not do much of anything. The following article provides a few pointers for anyone interested in learning more about the proper way to work on your abs.

First of all, spot reduction is impossible so no matter how many crunches, sit-ups or bicycle kicks you do, you will not get rid of any excess fat around your mid section. If you need to lose excess belly fat, your best bet is to go on a healthy diet and get the right combination of strength and cardiovascular training to maximize fat loss while increasing your metabolism.

If you already have a relatively flat stomach and are looking to develop your abs, there are a few things you should know. The abs are just like any other muscle in the body and should be trained as such. Like any other muscle, you should not train your abdominals every day and should wait at least 48 hours in between training sessions of that muscle. Also, in order for a muscle to hypertrophy, significant external resistance is needed with a rep range of about 8-15 so if you’re able to do hundreds of crunches, you’re better off either finding a new exercise or to find a way to add resistance.

In the world of abdominal training, there seem to be thousands of new claims being made every day. The best advice in sifting through everything if that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Google update a test for keyword dominance

Google is one of the most popular search engines on the Internet today. According to statistics about 50 to 80 percent of searches made by users worldwide are being done on Google. That is probably one reason why most Internet marketing strategy, either search engine optimization or pay-per-click, consider every action done by Google as vital factor.

How so? Well, Google works by "spidering" or "crawling" web sites. Once this is done, the web sites are then added to the Google "index". This index is pretty much like a phonebook, it is Google's very own list of pages on the Internet. After that, Google performs several operations on the information they had accumulated. Eventually, it decides where each page will appear on the list of results for searches.

Every once in a while Google would start using a new index for its search results. This time is called the “Google Update”. Currently, the Google updates occur about once in a month. It usually takes a few days and is quite an anticipated and dreaded event for most site owners, since this is the time when their listing in Google changes. Is it for the better or for worse? You be the judge.

Now, the latest Google update has gained the nickname “Jagger”. It is probably due to the fact that it is causing major distress to site owners all over the globe. Why you ask? Well, like what happens in most Google updates, an initial period of movement in ranking position has recently occurred.

As with every algorithm update, Google attempts to take out the spam from its database. So what kind of changes had been made as a result of this update? Only the Google engineers have the answer to that. But, there are some factors which seem to be important in this update. For instance, hidden text spam seems to be taking quite a hit. Whereas most search engines consider white text on white background spamming, it seems that Google has now also take text that is hidden in invisible CSS layers. Another noticeable change is that links from automated link exchanges and text link advertising systems seem to count less.

But, before you picture the worst case scenario remember that this is pretty natural. Soon enough things will get back to normal. Google updates may last barely a day or it might take as long as 8 weeks, depending on how extensive the update is. After all, Google have about 16 to 24 billion web pages in its database, so they probably need some time.

While the Google update is still ongoing, site owners will probably see their search engine results change from day to day. But there is still no need to panic! For any given key phrase the ranking results may drop from 1 to 100, or vise versa. Either way, do not get use to them yet. These are just temporary results and will change once things settle down. So in order to put your fears to rest check your Google Page Rank and see if it has moved as well. If it remained the same then you can be certain that the key phrases will pull through. But, if your PR has also dropped just like your key phrase ranking then it may be time to take a closer look to see what is going on.

So how do you deal with this latest update? First of all, do not panic. If your site rankings dropped, give it another week just to be sure that the index update is really over. Now if your site is still no where to be found, then its time for some serious consideration. What do you think went wrong?

For example, if you use CSS in order to hide text on your web pages think about removing those hidden text. If you use other techniques that Google might consider a spam, then remove them from your pages immediately.

If you have a links page, instead of using a link exchange system with a central server why not host your link pages on your own site. If you are part of a centralized system your site will be at risk if the centralized system is considered spam.

Once you have removed the spam elements from your pages, there are two things that you can do in order to tide you over from this crazy phase. First, optimize your site. Consider using “IBP's Top 10 Optimizer” in order to optimize your web pages for the new Google algorithm. This optimizer utilizes the current ranking algorithm and will help you to determine which web page elements Google wants to see on a web page for your keyword and your web site.

The second thing you can do is to expand your promotion efforts. Consider trying out other search engines. Do not put all eggs in one basket. Even if you did manage to get high rankings on Google, it’s still a better idea not to rely on Google alone.

Why not try Yahoo and MSN? They are also quite popular among users and can bring you qualified traffic. After all, the key to a successful online business is to get qualified traffic from all big search engines. If your site has good rankings on the other search engines then dropping out on one will not have much effect on you.

Keep in mind that Google updates their Page Rankings a couple of times a year. Regardless of your position it is still highly anticipated, because it can be a good barometer that can help you gauge your site.

With the ever changing factors to Google's obscure ranking algorithm remember that you are not alone in this. If your site has suffered lower ranking so have millions of other web site owners out there. So, sit back and relax. Once the update is over and thing settle down again you will be able to see just exactly where you stand. Then you can adjust your SEO plan accordingly, and resume your pursuit of gaining key phrase dominance!


How You Can Make Money without Endless Hours of Work

In the United States, a large percentage of the population is employed. If you are one of those individuals, you likely already know how difficult it can be to make money. However, many workers aren’t just making money for the fun of it; many have to financially support themselves or a family. Unfortunately, most jobs require hard work and long hours. You may find that your current job is taking important things away from your life, mostly your time. Instead of learning to manage this unfortunate occurrence, you are advised to do something about it. You can easily find another way to make money.

When it comes to making money, there are many individuals who flock to the internet. Online you will literally find an unlimited number of business opportunities. Many of these opportunities promise you unlimited income with little or no work. While many of these business opportunities can be considered scams, there are some that are legitimate. One of those legitimate opportunities involves acquiring the private label resell rights to a particular product. After you have acquired the resell rights, it will then be your reasonability to sell the product.

One of the many reasons why obtaining the resell rights and then selling a private label product is so nice is because you do not have to do most of the work. For instance, if you purchase the resell rights to an e-book or a software program, you will not have to create the e-book or software program. This is ideal because the development of these products not only takes time, but special talent or skill. Private label resell rights allow you to skip the hard work and concentrate on selling the product.

One of the most common questions asked, when it comes to private label resell rights, is why the original author or developer can’t sell their own work. The reality is that they can; however, most choose not to. For many professional writers or software designers, they make most of their money when they are creating a new product. This means that many like to focus solely on doing that. In turn, they will rely on someone else to get their products to potential customers.

Selling a product, which you have acquired the resell rights to, often sounds like a commission based program. These types of programs are available, but that is not how private label resell rights work. You will outright pay, the author, developer, or anyone else who is selling their product, for the rights to resell it. This means that any money you acquire from the sale, of an e-book or software program, you can keep.

To make money off of this opportunity, you will have to sell the product that you have. This is where the work will come in, but it is not what you may expect. Since you will be working as your own boss and you will be in control of the money that you want to make. Therefore, you can choose your own hours. Many resell right owners spend most of their time advertising or marketing their product to the general public. This marketing may take time, but you can also look for quick methods of selling. These methods may include, but are not limited to, standard websites with quick checkouts or online auction sites.

As you can easily see, there are a number of benefits to acquiring the resell rights to a private label product, such as an e-book, mass collection of articles, or a software program. Not only can you make money, but you can also decide how much or how little time you want to work. What could be better than that?


Word Count 617


Even if you are not all that religious, getting ready for Christmas is still one of the most elaborate and difficult tasks of the year. You need a Christmas tree, a nativity scene, outdoor and indoor Christmas lights, antique ornaments passed down in your family, and, of course, Christmas gifts. Then there is all the preparation involved in sending out holiday cards, preparing a fancy holiday meal, and getting your clothes ready for the trip to church. But to me, the most important part is the figure that, both literally and symbolically sits above everything else: the Christmas tree topper.

Most families have a Christmas tree topper that they use every year, but in my family it was different. One year, we would have a Christmas tree angel, while the next year we would use a Christmas star. A few years ago, we actually had a pretty outlandish Christmas tree topper. We decided to make something by hand all together, but we could not decide on a theme. My sister wanted to make a Christmas tree star, while my brother wanted to make one of the camels that the wise men were riding. I thought it would be nice to make a pumpkin (I was still in a Halloween mood) and my father and mother wanted to make a turkey and an angel respectively.

What we finally decided was to each make a part of it. What we ended up with was one of the most outlandish Christmas tree toppers ever made. It had different faces, shapes, and body parts sticking out at every angle imaginable. We loved it, but objectively speaking, it was just a little bit terrifying. One of my good friends brought her 5 year old son over and, when he saw it, he started to cry right away.

Of course, most people have much more conventional tastes than that! Usually, an angel Christmas ornament or a Christmas light star looks best at the top of a tree, but it is nice to be able to mix it up every now and again. Just make sure that, if your Christmas tree topper is a family heirloom, you are always careful about putting it up. It might seem like a good idea to let your youngest son be a big boy and climb up on the stepladder with the Christmas star but, when he drops it and breaks it, no one is going to be all that happy about it!

Fixing plastic wall cladding and ceiling cladding

You can make fixing wall cladding and ceiling cladding easier and do work of better quality by following certain standard procedures. We look at certain key procedures in the following sections. There is no attempt to include all the finer points. Instead the aim is to give an overview and indicate some key points that need attention.

The first step is to fix the bottom and top edge pieces, by screwing them to the wall. Next comes the task of sliding the cladding sheets into these pieces. Once the sheet is in place, the horizontal joints are attached to the vertical ends of the sheets and screwed into the wall. Next comes fixing internal and external angles at corners, and around doors and windows.

We look at these fixing steps in a little more detail below.

Top and Bottom Edges

All four edges of all sheets must be secured to the wall. In most cases, J edges, H joints and internal/external angles can do the job. Where necessary, Maxbash Skirting can be used at the bottom instead of a J edge. For very uneven walls, two-piece joints can be used between sheets.

Where only wall cladding is being installed, the top edges can also be secured using a J edge. If ceiling cladding is also being installed, you might prefer trapping the top of the wall cladding sheets with the ceiling. Alternatively, a 2-piece internal corner is used as a coving.

Good quality silicone beading is used between the wall and J edge/Maxbash skirting to seal them permanently to the wall and floor.

Fixing Cladding Sheets

Flex a cladding sheet into the top and bottom J edges and fit a one-piece H joint to the vertical edge of the sheet, leaving necessary space for any expansion in the sheet. Secure the joint to the wall.

Now flex in a second sheet into the J edges and H joint and fix a joint on the other vertical edge of the sheet. Continue the procedure till the walls are fully covered.

Silicone sealant is used between sheets and J edges/H joints to seal the sheets.


Corners are typically fixed using internal and external angles. If the corners are not square, a universal angle is used. This type of angle has a flexible center that can be bent to a desired degree.


The above outline is intended only to give a general idea. There could be finer points that need to be mastered to solve specific problems in actual working. For these, you can refer to the instruction manual that comes with the sheets. Do take the trouble to go through the manual carefully. It could mean the difference between quality work and less-than-perfect work.


This article outlined how cladding sheets are fixed to walls. The typical procedure is to screw the bottom and top J edges first, flex a sheet into them, fix an H joint to the vertical edge of the sheet, add the next sheet into this joint as well the its own J edges, and so on.

Corners are fixed using internal and external angles.

Good quality silicone sealant is used to ensure waterproof sealing of the entire surface.

Tax season - time for scams

As tax season draws irresistibly closer, the scam artists are polishing their latest techniques. This article should help you keep an eye out for these nasty individuals.

Tax Season – Time for Scams

In a particularly cheeky move, scam artists have started posing in on form or another as the IRS in an effort to get you to turn over social security numbers and such. Logically, this actually makes sense. Everyone is terrified by the IRS and dread be contacted by the Agency. Most of us would do anything to resolve any issue raised by an IRS Agent including sending them copies of credit card statements and providing crucial financial information over the phone. Put another way, this is the perfect scenario for a scam artists.

The goal of scam artists, of course, is to get private information they can use to open credit card accounts and so on. This is loosely known as phishing for the purpose of identity theft.

Phishing and identify theft can occur through practically any communication method. Here are some recent scams that were successful:

1. One group of scam artists started sending spam emails notifying taxpayers they were eligible for tax refunds. The scam worked because the emails were sent from IRS types of email accounts including the irs letters in the address. Taxpayers were then told to go to click through to a site where they could fill out a form and get their refund. Of course, the email address and web site were fakes. Nobody got a refund, but the scam artists received a bevy of social security numbers, credit card information and so on. In total, this scam occurred through 12 different web sites in 11 countries.

2. This one is a classic. Scam artists send bogus IRS letters and Form W-8BEN asking non-residents to provide personal information including bank account numbers, PINs, passport numbers and so on. Form W-8BEN is used by banks, not the IRS, to obtain information from non-residents who are opening bank accounts! Unfortunately, many non-residents fell for this scam and had their identities stolen.

There are a couple of guidelines you can use when dealing with IRS communications. First, the IRS never, ever sends email to taxpayers. NEVER! If you get an email communication, it is absolutely a scam. Delete it or send it to the IRS so they can take action.

If you receive mail communications from the IRS, call the agency to verify a letter was really sent to you. With phone call communications, get the persons name and call them back at the IRS. Both methods will stop scam artists in their tracks. Be skeptical of communications you receive from sources you are not expecting.

Finally, the IRS never asks a taxpayer for passwords or PIN numbers. If the agency desires to seize your bank account, they can just do it. They don’t need to take out $300 a day until your tax debt is collected!

Scam artists are highly creative people. If you have doubts about an communication of the IRS, pick up the phone and call the agency.

Online kasino - online gambling for germans

For many people, online kasino is proving more popular than the traditional, brick-and-mortar version. This is hardly surprising; an Internet Kasino offers all the facilities and benefits of a real casino without the trouble and hassle of getting in the car and driving to a far away location. Using an online kasino, players of all skill levels and budget can enjoy table games, online sports betting and slot machines, without leaving the comfort of the their own home.

Thanks to 128-bit encryption software, betting in an online kasino has never been safer or more secure – indeed, you might say it is safer than carrying cash around the city after a winning night in a “real” casino! Payments can be deposited via a wide range of debit and credit cards and using all of the most common online payment facilities, and winnings can be credited to you quickly and securely. Wagers can be placed for amounts big and small, so whether you want to bet $1 or $100,000, you’ll be treated exactly the same. In an online kasino, everyone’s a high-roller!

Www. cyberspace-casino. com is one online kasino site that caters to both experienced gamers and novices. As one of the longer-established cyberspacecasinos, it features games ranging from slots and video poker, traditional table games such as baccarat, roulette and blackjack, and also has facilities for online sports wagering. In addition, the site is available in two languages (in English oder auf Deutsch.)

The most important area of any casino is the table gaming area, and an online kasino is no different. Craps, baccarat, blackjack and roulette are all offered, and state of the art graphics and top quality sound mean that playing in an Internet Kasino is really no different from being there in person. Another perennial favorite is poker, and this is one of the most popular games in any Internet Kasino. At cyberspace casinos there are even live dealer games which are set up with webcams so you can see the cards being dealt to you and even chat with other players – bringing virtual card games a step closer to the real thing! As with the rest of the site, games are available in English or Deutsch.

The other major attraction of the online kasino is the slot machines, and just as in a “real” kasino, these are plentiful and pay out big jackpots. In addition, though, you can play with ‘virtual’ money, so if you’re not confident about betting real money, or just prefer not to lose, you can play without fear of losing. If you do choose to wager real money, though, Cyberspacecasinos loyalty scheme means that there are cash bonuses for players to enjoy and your winnings can mount up that bit quicker!

The third main type of gambling online is sports betting, but gamers don’t have to leave the online kasino to wager on events. Cyberspacecasino’s online sports wagering site offers players the chance to place bets on sports from football and basketball to tennis and golf; placing spread bets, betting in-game, or just making a simple wager on the outcome of a tie.

Some of the most popular online kasino games involve downloading software on to your computer, but if you prefer not to do this for reasons of memory or security, there are also plenty of non-download Internet kasino games to enjoy, and you don’t need an expensive or high-specification machine to play.

Online kasinos are one of the Internet’s fastest-growing hobbies for people all over the world, whether American, francais or Deutsch. The Internet Kasino is every bit the equal of its more traditional equivalent and certainly something you should try.