Thursday, September 29, 2016

Some helpful tips on abs

In the fitness world today, there is not a body part with more attention paid to it than the abdominal muscles. With our obsession with abs, many aspiring entrepreneurs set out to market their device, diet, video or program which will give you “washboard abs,” a “six-pack,” “ripped abs,” or any other adjective to describe a well defined mid section. The problem is that the public, desperate for a quick fix, buys into these products, which at the end of the day, will not do much of anything. The following article provides a few pointers for anyone interested in learning more about the proper way to work on your abs.

First of all, spot reduction is impossible so no matter how many crunches, sit-ups or bicycle kicks you do, you will not get rid of any excess fat around your mid section. If you need to lose excess belly fat, your best bet is to go on a healthy diet and get the right combination of strength and cardiovascular training to maximize fat loss while increasing your metabolism.

If you already have a relatively flat stomach and are looking to develop your abs, there are a few things you should know. The abs are just like any other muscle in the body and should be trained as such. Like any other muscle, you should not train your abdominals every day and should wait at least 48 hours in between training sessions of that muscle. Also, in order for a muscle to hypertrophy, significant external resistance is needed with a rep range of about 8-15 so if you’re able to do hundreds of crunches, you’re better off either finding a new exercise or to find a way to add resistance.

In the world of abdominal training, there seem to be thousands of new claims being made every day. The best advice in sifting through everything if that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Google update a test for keyword dominance

Google is one of the most popular search engines on the Internet today. According to statistics about 50 to 80 percent of searches made by users worldwide are being done on Google. That is probably one reason why most Internet marketing strategy, either search engine optimization or pay-per-click, consider every action done by Google as vital factor.

How so? Well, Google works by "spidering" or "crawling" web sites. Once this is done, the web sites are then added to the Google "index". This index is pretty much like a phonebook, it is Google's very own list of pages on the Internet. After that, Google performs several operations on the information they had accumulated. Eventually, it decides where each page will appear on the list of results for searches.

Every once in a while Google would start using a new index for its search results. This time is called the “Google Update”. Currently, the Google updates occur about once in a month. It usually takes a few days and is quite an anticipated and dreaded event for most site owners, since this is the time when their listing in Google changes. Is it for the better or for worse? You be the judge.

Now, the latest Google update has gained the nickname “Jagger”. It is probably due to the fact that it is causing major distress to site owners all over the globe. Why you ask? Well, like what happens in most Google updates, an initial period of movement in ranking position has recently occurred.

As with every algorithm update, Google attempts to take out the spam from its database. So what kind of changes had been made as a result of this update? Only the Google engineers have the answer to that. But, there are some factors which seem to be important in this update. For instance, hidden text spam seems to be taking quite a hit. Whereas most search engines consider white text on white background spamming, it seems that Google has now also take text that is hidden in invisible CSS layers. Another noticeable change is that links from automated link exchanges and text link advertising systems seem to count less.

But, before you picture the worst case scenario remember that this is pretty natural. Soon enough things will get back to normal. Google updates may last barely a day or it might take as long as 8 weeks, depending on how extensive the update is. After all, Google have about 16 to 24 billion web pages in its database, so they probably need some time.

While the Google update is still ongoing, site owners will probably see their search engine results change from day to day. But there is still no need to panic! For any given key phrase the ranking results may drop from 1 to 100, or vise versa. Either way, do not get use to them yet. These are just temporary results and will change once things settle down. So in order to put your fears to rest check your Google Page Rank and see if it has moved as well. If it remained the same then you can be certain that the key phrases will pull through. But, if your PR has also dropped just like your key phrase ranking then it may be time to take a closer look to see what is going on.

So how do you deal with this latest update? First of all, do not panic. If your site rankings dropped, give it another week just to be sure that the index update is really over. Now if your site is still no where to be found, then its time for some serious consideration. What do you think went wrong?

For example, if you use CSS in order to hide text on your web pages think about removing those hidden text. If you use other techniques that Google might consider a spam, then remove them from your pages immediately.

If you have a links page, instead of using a link exchange system with a central server why not host your link pages on your own site. If you are part of a centralized system your site will be at risk if the centralized system is considered spam.

Once you have removed the spam elements from your pages, there are two things that you can do in order to tide you over from this crazy phase. First, optimize your site. Consider using “IBP's Top 10 Optimizer” in order to optimize your web pages for the new Google algorithm. This optimizer utilizes the current ranking algorithm and will help you to determine which web page elements Google wants to see on a web page for your keyword and your web site.

The second thing you can do is to expand your promotion efforts. Consider trying out other search engines. Do not put all eggs in one basket. Even if you did manage to get high rankings on Google, it’s still a better idea not to rely on Google alone.

Why not try Yahoo and MSN? They are also quite popular among users and can bring you qualified traffic. After all, the key to a successful online business is to get qualified traffic from all big search engines. If your site has good rankings on the other search engines then dropping out on one will not have much effect on you.

Keep in mind that Google updates their Page Rankings a couple of times a year. Regardless of your position it is still highly anticipated, because it can be a good barometer that can help you gauge your site.

With the ever changing factors to Google's obscure ranking algorithm remember that you are not alone in this. If your site has suffered lower ranking so have millions of other web site owners out there. So, sit back and relax. Once the update is over and thing settle down again you will be able to see just exactly where you stand. Then you can adjust your SEO plan accordingly, and resume your pursuit of gaining key phrase dominance!


How You Can Make Money without Endless Hours of Work

In the United States, a large percentage of the population is employed. If you are one of those individuals, you likely already know how difficult it can be to make money. However, many workers aren’t just making money for the fun of it; many have to financially support themselves or a family. Unfortunately, most jobs require hard work and long hours. You may find that your current job is taking important things away from your life, mostly your time. Instead of learning to manage this unfortunate occurrence, you are advised to do something about it. You can easily find another way to make money.

When it comes to making money, there are many individuals who flock to the internet. Online you will literally find an unlimited number of business opportunities. Many of these opportunities promise you unlimited income with little or no work. While many of these business opportunities can be considered scams, there are some that are legitimate. One of those legitimate opportunities involves acquiring the private label resell rights to a particular product. After you have acquired the resell rights, it will then be your reasonability to sell the product.

One of the many reasons why obtaining the resell rights and then selling a private label product is so nice is because you do not have to do most of the work. For instance, if you purchase the resell rights to an e-book or a software program, you will not have to create the e-book or software program. This is ideal because the development of these products not only takes time, but special talent or skill. Private label resell rights allow you to skip the hard work and concentrate on selling the product.

One of the most common questions asked, when it comes to private label resell rights, is why the original author or developer can’t sell their own work. The reality is that they can; however, most choose not to. For many professional writers or software designers, they make most of their money when they are creating a new product. This means that many like to focus solely on doing that. In turn, they will rely on someone else to get their products to potential customers.

Selling a product, which you have acquired the resell rights to, often sounds like a commission based program. These types of programs are available, but that is not how private label resell rights work. You will outright pay, the author, developer, or anyone else who is selling their product, for the rights to resell it. This means that any money you acquire from the sale, of an e-book or software program, you can keep.

To make money off of this opportunity, you will have to sell the product that you have. This is where the work will come in, but it is not what you may expect. Since you will be working as your own boss and you will be in control of the money that you want to make. Therefore, you can choose your own hours. Many resell right owners spend most of their time advertising or marketing their product to the general public. This marketing may take time, but you can also look for quick methods of selling. These methods may include, but are not limited to, standard websites with quick checkouts or online auction sites.

As you can easily see, there are a number of benefits to acquiring the resell rights to a private label product, such as an e-book, mass collection of articles, or a software program. Not only can you make money, but you can also decide how much or how little time you want to work. What could be better than that?


Word Count 617


Even if you are not all that religious, getting ready for Christmas is still one of the most elaborate and difficult tasks of the year. You need a Christmas tree, a nativity scene, outdoor and indoor Christmas lights, antique ornaments passed down in your family, and, of course, Christmas gifts. Then there is all the preparation involved in sending out holiday cards, preparing a fancy holiday meal, and getting your clothes ready for the trip to church. But to me, the most important part is the figure that, both literally and symbolically sits above everything else: the Christmas tree topper.

Most families have a Christmas tree topper that they use every year, but in my family it was different. One year, we would have a Christmas tree angel, while the next year we would use a Christmas star. A few years ago, we actually had a pretty outlandish Christmas tree topper. We decided to make something by hand all together, but we could not decide on a theme. My sister wanted to make a Christmas tree star, while my brother wanted to make one of the camels that the wise men were riding. I thought it would be nice to make a pumpkin (I was still in a Halloween mood) and my father and mother wanted to make a turkey and an angel respectively.

What we finally decided was to each make a part of it. What we ended up with was one of the most outlandish Christmas tree toppers ever made. It had different faces, shapes, and body parts sticking out at every angle imaginable. We loved it, but objectively speaking, it was just a little bit terrifying. One of my good friends brought her 5 year old son over and, when he saw it, he started to cry right away.

Of course, most people have much more conventional tastes than that! Usually, an angel Christmas ornament or a Christmas light star looks best at the top of a tree, but it is nice to be able to mix it up every now and again. Just make sure that, if your Christmas tree topper is a family heirloom, you are always careful about putting it up. It might seem like a good idea to let your youngest son be a big boy and climb up on the stepladder with the Christmas star but, when he drops it and breaks it, no one is going to be all that happy about it!

Fixing plastic wall cladding and ceiling cladding

You can make fixing wall cladding and ceiling cladding easier and do work of better quality by following certain standard procedures. We look at certain key procedures in the following sections. There is no attempt to include all the finer points. Instead the aim is to give an overview and indicate some key points that need attention.

The first step is to fix the bottom and top edge pieces, by screwing them to the wall. Next comes the task of sliding the cladding sheets into these pieces. Once the sheet is in place, the horizontal joints are attached to the vertical ends of the sheets and screwed into the wall. Next comes fixing internal and external angles at corners, and around doors and windows.

We look at these fixing steps in a little more detail below.

Top and Bottom Edges

All four edges of all sheets must be secured to the wall. In most cases, J edges, H joints and internal/external angles can do the job. Where necessary, Maxbash Skirting can be used at the bottom instead of a J edge. For very uneven walls, two-piece joints can be used between sheets.

Where only wall cladding is being installed, the top edges can also be secured using a J edge. If ceiling cladding is also being installed, you might prefer trapping the top of the wall cladding sheets with the ceiling. Alternatively, a 2-piece internal corner is used as a coving.

Good quality silicone beading is used between the wall and J edge/Maxbash skirting to seal them permanently to the wall and floor.

Fixing Cladding Sheets

Flex a cladding sheet into the top and bottom J edges and fit a one-piece H joint to the vertical edge of the sheet, leaving necessary space for any expansion in the sheet. Secure the joint to the wall.

Now flex in a second sheet into the J edges and H joint and fix a joint on the other vertical edge of the sheet. Continue the procedure till the walls are fully covered.

Silicone sealant is used between sheets and J edges/H joints to seal the sheets.


Corners are typically fixed using internal and external angles. If the corners are not square, a universal angle is used. This type of angle has a flexible center that can be bent to a desired degree.


The above outline is intended only to give a general idea. There could be finer points that need to be mastered to solve specific problems in actual working. For these, you can refer to the instruction manual that comes with the sheets. Do take the trouble to go through the manual carefully. It could mean the difference between quality work and less-than-perfect work.


This article outlined how cladding sheets are fixed to walls. The typical procedure is to screw the bottom and top J edges first, flex a sheet into them, fix an H joint to the vertical edge of the sheet, add the next sheet into this joint as well the its own J edges, and so on.

Corners are fixed using internal and external angles.

Good quality silicone sealant is used to ensure waterproof sealing of the entire surface.

Tax season - time for scams

As tax season draws irresistibly closer, the scam artists are polishing their latest techniques. This article should help you keep an eye out for these nasty individuals.

Tax Season – Time for Scams

In a particularly cheeky move, scam artists have started posing in on form or another as the IRS in an effort to get you to turn over social security numbers and such. Logically, this actually makes sense. Everyone is terrified by the IRS and dread be contacted by the Agency. Most of us would do anything to resolve any issue raised by an IRS Agent including sending them copies of credit card statements and providing crucial financial information over the phone. Put another way, this is the perfect scenario for a scam artists.

The goal of scam artists, of course, is to get private information they can use to open credit card accounts and so on. This is loosely known as phishing for the purpose of identity theft.

Phishing and identify theft can occur through practically any communication method. Here are some recent scams that were successful:

1. One group of scam artists started sending spam emails notifying taxpayers they were eligible for tax refunds. The scam worked because the emails were sent from IRS types of email accounts including the irs letters in the address. Taxpayers were then told to go to click through to a site where they could fill out a form and get their refund. Of course, the email address and web site were fakes. Nobody got a refund, but the scam artists received a bevy of social security numbers, credit card information and so on. In total, this scam occurred through 12 different web sites in 11 countries.

2. This one is a classic. Scam artists send bogus IRS letters and Form W-8BEN asking non-residents to provide personal information including bank account numbers, PINs, passport numbers and so on. Form W-8BEN is used by banks, not the IRS, to obtain information from non-residents who are opening bank accounts! Unfortunately, many non-residents fell for this scam and had their identities stolen.

There are a couple of guidelines you can use when dealing with IRS communications. First, the IRS never, ever sends email to taxpayers. NEVER! If you get an email communication, it is absolutely a scam. Delete it or send it to the IRS so they can take action.

If you receive mail communications from the IRS, call the agency to verify a letter was really sent to you. With phone call communications, get the persons name and call them back at the IRS. Both methods will stop scam artists in their tracks. Be skeptical of communications you receive from sources you are not expecting.

Finally, the IRS never asks a taxpayer for passwords or PIN numbers. If the agency desires to seize your bank account, they can just do it. They don’t need to take out $300 a day until your tax debt is collected!

Scam artists are highly creative people. If you have doubts about an communication of the IRS, pick up the phone and call the agency.

Online kasino - online gambling for germans

For many people, online kasino is proving more popular than the traditional, brick-and-mortar version. This is hardly surprising; an Internet Kasino offers all the facilities and benefits of a real casino without the trouble and hassle of getting in the car and driving to a far away location. Using an online kasino, players of all skill levels and budget can enjoy table games, online sports betting and slot machines, without leaving the comfort of the their own home.

Thanks to 128-bit encryption software, betting in an online kasino has never been safer or more secure – indeed, you might say it is safer than carrying cash around the city after a winning night in a “real” casino! Payments can be deposited via a wide range of debit and credit cards and using all of the most common online payment facilities, and winnings can be credited to you quickly and securely. Wagers can be placed for amounts big and small, so whether you want to bet $1 or $100,000, you’ll be treated exactly the same. In an online kasino, everyone’s a high-roller!

Www. cyberspace-casino. com is one online kasino site that caters to both experienced gamers and novices. As one of the longer-established cyberspacecasinos, it features games ranging from slots and video poker, traditional table games such as baccarat, roulette and blackjack, and also has facilities for online sports wagering. In addition, the site is available in two languages (in English oder auf Deutsch.)

The most important area of any casino is the table gaming area, and an online kasino is no different. Craps, baccarat, blackjack and roulette are all offered, and state of the art graphics and top quality sound mean that playing in an Internet Kasino is really no different from being there in person. Another perennial favorite is poker, and this is one of the most popular games in any Internet Kasino. At cyberspace casinos there are even live dealer games which are set up with webcams so you can see the cards being dealt to you and even chat with other players – bringing virtual card games a step closer to the real thing! As with the rest of the site, games are available in English or Deutsch.

The other major attraction of the online kasino is the slot machines, and just as in a “real” kasino, these are plentiful and pay out big jackpots. In addition, though, you can play with ‘virtual’ money, so if you’re not confident about betting real money, or just prefer not to lose, you can play without fear of losing. If you do choose to wager real money, though, Cyberspacecasinos loyalty scheme means that there are cash bonuses for players to enjoy and your winnings can mount up that bit quicker!

The third main type of gambling online is sports betting, but gamers don’t have to leave the online kasino to wager on events. Cyberspacecasino’s online sports wagering site offers players the chance to place bets on sports from football and basketball to tennis and golf; placing spread bets, betting in-game, or just making a simple wager on the outcome of a tie.

Some of the most popular online kasino games involve downloading software on to your computer, but if you prefer not to do this for reasons of memory or security, there are also plenty of non-download Internet kasino games to enjoy, and you don’t need an expensive or high-specification machine to play.

Online kasinos are one of the Internet’s fastest-growing hobbies for people all over the world, whether American, francais or Deutsch. The Internet Kasino is every bit the equal of its more traditional equivalent and certainly something you should try.

How is dehydrated food produced

In this article we will explain how dehydrated food is produced and the ways in which it can be used. Not only can dehydrated food be stored for longer but when processed properly it can add a wonderful boost to any variety of foods and add a new dimension to your cooking everyday.

To turn fresh fruit into a dehydrated product is extremely interesting and below we will show you how it is done with apples.

1. The fresh ripe apples are first hand sorted (it's important that the apples to be dehydrated are at the right stage of ripeness). The apples must be firm enough to be peeled without them crumbling.

2. The apples are then thoroughly washed and rinsed and from washing they go directly to the automatic peeler and coring machines.

3. Now they apples are cut into different sizes either as apple flakes or slices.

4. Next the apple pieces are coated with 900 to 1,500 ppm (parts per million) of sulfur dioxide or sodium sulfite (which are anti browning agents).

5. Then they are placed in the fruit dryers. The first drier is 350 feet long (and is gas fired). The apples take 45 minutes to pass through this drier (which is at a temperature of 158 Degrees Fahrenheit (70 Degrees Centigrade).

6. Once they have passed through this drier the moisture content of the apple pieces has dropped to 24% and then they pass through a further drier where the moisture levels are further reduced to 3%.

7. To finish off the process strawberry or peach juices along with other flavourings are added to the apple pieces.

Because these fruit pieces are processed at relatively low temperatures the nutrients to be found in any type of fruit remains relatively intact because of this process.

As you can see the processes for producing dehydrated fruit not just apples is quite simple and by using this method will help to reduce the cost of shipping such products and thus makes a saving to the customer.

However if you wish to re-hydrate any fruit pieces it is just a simple case of soaking them in a large amount of water to reverse the process.

Parabolic solar oven

Mention solar power to someone and they immediately think of solar panels. A parabolic solar oven, however, has a much more practical use when it comes to feeding ourselves.

Parabolic Solar Oven

While searching for ways to reduce the use of nonrenewable resources, you might encounter solar power. Solar power, or solar energy, is the use of the sun's rays to either create energy (electricity), charge a battery, heat water or other fluids, passively heat homes through glass windows, or even cook foods. When solar power is used to cook food it's often in the form of a solar oven, which can be used in place of firewood and other fuels in order to cook meals. One popular type of solar oven is the parabolic solar oven, used over others for many reasons.

A parabolic solar oven collects the sun's rays by using a reflective surface in a parabola, or curved shape. There are many different styles of parabolic solar ovens available, and there are instructions available to create most of them. The parabolic style allows for food to cook at much the same rate as a conventional oven, making it more convenient than other outdoor cooking methods such as campfires. Additionally, since the parabolic solar oven doesn't use wood or other fuel, it's quicker to start cooking and requires little time to set up - whereas with a campfire, you've got to spend time hunting for firewood, as well as lighting the fire and waiting for it to get hot.

One easy way to start building your own parabolic solar oven is by using a ready-made satellite dish (of course, use one that someone has discarded). Its parabolic shape is perfect for creating the oven, and all you need to do is coat the inside with a reflective substance, such as a mirror finish reflective aluminum sheet. Other people prefer to start their parabolic solar oven with more of a bowl shape, as they believe this allows food inside to cook better and helps to shelter the food from the wind.

Once you have the parabolic solar oven, you need to consider the cooking pot. The pot needs to be of a dark color. It also needs to be placed in the correct position. The parabolic solar oven should be oriented to the sun. The pot should then be placed on a small stand so that it sits at the point of focus for the oven. If you imagine a magnifying glass, the pot should be located where the glass focuses its beam. Once in position, the oven should work for 60 to 90 minutes. If the food is not cooked by then or another pot needs heating, the oven should be readjusted to the orientation of the sun.

When using your parabolic solar oven, be sure to always wear UV (ultraviolet) protective sunglasses that are darkly tinted. The reflection off the aluminum that helps to cook the food at a quick rate also can burn your retinas quite easily. You'll also want to make sure to cover your parabolic solar oven whenever it's not in use - this will prevent accidental flashes of light from blinding people as well as prevent the oven from heating up when it's not needed. If you follow these simple steps, having your own parabolic solar cooker can be a great asset to your environmentally conscious lifestyle.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Get paid to surf - the next big thing

The latest concept for the internet entrepreneur is pay to surf. Do I mean you get paid to sit on your butt and surf web pages? Yes, absolutely! I know many people would think it impossible to get double digit returns on their money daily, but that is in fact what is promised by these sites.

How do they work? The concept is very simple. You establish an account with them and then start surfing. They display pages that others want advertised on a timer of anywhere from 15 to 60 seconds per ad. You can either look at them or go get a coffee, but after a certain number have displayed – you get paid!

Each pay to surf program has a time span that they hold on to your money. It may be 7 days, it could be 60 days, you decide what’s right for you. After that time period, they transfer your earnings to whatever service you use. Each program has a favored processor on the idea of Paypal – it’s hooked to your credit cards and/or bank account.

My advice is to investigate them thoroughly! A good sign is a corporation owner that is traceable and in the same country as you, or at least in a country that will hold them responsible. You should look at the actual payout percentages, and the number of participants. The Alexa ranking of a page is also a good indication if they have as many participants as they claim.

Many of the pay to surf programs are affiliate based as well and you can get a percentage of the funds that people you refer put in. Be sure you know what qualifies you for the referral bonus and how many levels deep you get paid. Even one level can be a whole lot of money if you refer serious people!

Look for some kind of track record, meaning that they have been in business for more than a week. This is a fairly new concept to the mainstream internet, but there are some companies that have been in business for several months, maybe some for a year, but I haven’t seen any yet.

As with any new concept – especially one that pays out at that level – buyer beware! Obviously, this is a high risk enterprise, but my attitude is that if it crashes and burns in three months, at least I will have made back MUCH more than my initial investment.

I would definitely like to hear good and bad about these programs. They are certainly going to get a lot bigger before they go away. The Internet certainly had its detractors in the beginning and there was also the dot-bomb situation of 2001, but it doesn’t mean that there won’t be a lot of these pay to surf site around for a long time. I’m diving in!

Going organic the future of cosmetics

The new line of organic cosmetics set apart the harmful elements found in traditional ingredients of cosmetics. Find out the benefits of these organic cosmetics in health and beauty.

Awareness has been the newest trend in the growing population today, health awareness, to be exact. More and more people have been raving for organically made products. In with the new and out with the old, as they say. In this instance, organic products are now the newest players in marketing and synthetic products are the old.

The response for the demand has been amazing. Among the following products that have responded to the call are organic vegetables and fruits, organic snacks, even organic fuel! To address the biggest chunk in marketing – women; cosmetics company have begun to drift to producing organically-made cosmetics, as well.

This new line of organic make-up does not compromise your health and your appearance, at the same time. Many people do not know that much of the organic compounds and produce grown in our world have their own benefits they can contribute to cosmetics. Not only can they give the same variety of colors many women seek for, they can also give synthetic cosmetics a run for their money. Many organic produce and compounds used in cosmetics can still offer the moisture in your lipsticks, they can give the necessary vitamins beneficial to the skin, and they can give the shine, luster, or matte finish that you prefer to stand out in the crowd! These organic materials can also play with colors and so you don’t feel that your choices are limited. Most importantly, they don’t give the immediate effects of harming your skin, and the chronic effects of skin damage in the future.

Many women have grown to like organic cosmetics more these days because of the much disseminated information that there are certain synthetic or man-made ingredients in the cosmetics of the past that are considered carcinogens. These carcinogens, when used repeatedly can have a cumulative effect and the longer you’ve been using these products, the higher your chances of cancer or any other skin diseases.

There is good news, however. It is not too late to reverse the effects of the cosmetics you used to apply in the past. Organic make-up has great compounds that have ant oxidative properties. We all know that antioxidants deter the development of cancer. Antioxidants that can be found in organic make-up prevent the process of oxidation that causes the rapid destruction of cells. With these antioxidants in organic make-ups now you won’t have to worry about carcinogens, and aside from lessening those worry lines you also get a much healthier skin.

Now, how exactly can organic cosmetics be beneficial to your skin? The biggest benefit organic cosmetics can give you are its antioxidant properties that deter the development of cancer, skin cancer being the most common. The vitamins and minerals that are already contained in organic products benefit women excessively in terms of good skin care.

Organic cosmetics are hypoallergenic and thus women who are worried of break-outs and skin irritation, this is a wiser and more affordable product for them. No need to spend more money on antihistamines to cure those allergy fits. Yet another way organic make-up can be beneficial is their ability, rather their inability to clog pores. Clogged pores brought about usually by oil-based cosmetics are the common complaints of women because clogged pores can be ghastly and can lead to the development of blackheads, pimples, or acne. In a world where appearances are everything, women have become pickier in choosing which make-up works for them.

Organic make-up is more affordable compared to well-known and much more established synthetic make-up, another benefit most women enjoy. As more and more products are becoming more on the higher end, their prices have also been increasing. Organic make-up offers you more benefits for a lesser price this is because production costs are cheaper since products the products are readily accessible. Perhaps the most significant of all benefits organic make-up can offer is that it is environmentally friendly. Since it makes use of organic compounds and earth grown fruits and vegetables, the waste products that may be incurred through production are not only hazardous to the environment but can still be recycled. No animals need to be harmed and no essential natural resources need to be depleted in the making of organic cosmetics.

Organic cosmetics are right for those who are not only health conscious but who are environmentally aware, as well. Since the environment has been growing from worse to worst, joining the force to keep this from happening can be the best contribution you can ever repay the world that has given you life. The organic movement, organic cosmetics included, has heeded this call. It does not only benefit the consumers that it targets, it is also aware of the much needed repair the damaged earth has incurred.

Choose to stay beautifully healthy inside, as well as outside and organic make-up can help you achieve this. Live in a more beautiful world by buying organic cosmetics.

The new world of online stock trading

The world of stock trading in the United States happened almost simultaneously with the birth of the country. In late 1700s Philadelphia, the first stock exchange in American history was formed as a way to stimulate this new economy and fund business. This fledgling foray into stock exchange gave rise to a small group of merchants who formed the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE); their initial operations called for a daily meeting on Wall Street during which they would trade stocks and bonds.

Unbelievably, this outdoor trading market continued until the early 1900s when trading was happening at a frenzied pace – with millions of dollars trading hands. This would not be the last time that the stock exchange would grow to accommodate public need. Today's stock exchange has figuratively moved back outdoors – as stocks and bonds are traded on a daily basis over vast networks of worldwide computers. This new world of online stock trading has ushered in a new chapter in the stock exchange – one of adaptation and a new level of convenience and independence for investors.

Online stock trading has grown in popularity as investors spend more and more time on the computer working, communicating, and entertaining themselves. The ability to access financial information from the comfort of their own homes gives investors a new level of independence and a greater hand in their own financial security.

The process of online stock trading begins with the identification of one of many brokerage companies that offer online trading services. It is initially important to ensure that you are working with a reputable company. As with anything else on the Internet, you must enter into relationships armed with knowledge about the company in which you are interested.

Some of the larger names in investment offer online services through which investors can work. Once an online brokerage company has been identified, it is up to the investor to create an online account through which they will trade. This online account gives the investor immediate access to their financial portfolio day or night. They can check their progress and set forth a plan of action to meet personal financial goals.

The benefits of online stock trading are numerous beginning with the level of convenience offered through online investment. Investors can buy and sell commodities from the comfort of their own home. Further, online stock trading includes much lower brokerage fees than charged by traditional brokerage houses. Online investors can expect to pay anywhere from $7 to $10 per trade. This helps to manage costs and achieve the highest level of profit.

But, most importantly, online stock trading means a whole new world of control for investors. The tools offered through online brokerage services include up-to-the-minute stock quotes, historical tracking and future predictions for stocks, and information about the companies offering the stocks. Investors can research those stocks in which they are interested to make the most informed decision they can.

The world of investment will always be in existence. But the manner in which it exists will continue to evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of investors. Online stock trading is today's answer to modern investment, providing consumers with the best of all worlds.

Air purifiers eliminate indoor air pollutants

Air contamination control has become increasingly significant in our day-to-day lives. Polluted air is a major cause of concern for families whose members have different allergies and asthma. Hence, we should be very concerned about the quality of air that we breathe. It is difficult to eliminate all the air pollutants but air purifiers can clean the air to some extent. This can be achieved by using the best air purifiers in our offices and in our homes.

Surround Air Purifiers

Surround Air Purifiers manufactured by Indoor Purification Systems Inc, are based on ionic air purifying technology. The Indoor Purification Systems Inc has been in business since 1988 and is one of the pioneers in the field of air purification.

How Surround Air Purifiers Work

Most pollutants found in the air are positively charged. Surround air purifiers use ionic technology to produce negative ions. These negatively charged ions magnetically attract the positively charged ions that are present in air as pollutants. The positively charged ions are too heavy to remain in air, and stick in to the charged plate, leaving the air free from pollutants.

Surround Air Purifiers: Air Purification in 6 Steps

Surround Air Purifiers are available in different sizes and shapes. The Surround air purifiers use six technologies in a single unit. High Efficiency Particulate Air filters are fitted to remove dust and allergens. The ultraviolet lamp kills all the microbial organisms. An activated carbon filter prevents the spread of chemicals and smoke and a programmable sanitizer checks the spread of bad odor. This sanitizer can be kept at “on” or “off” position as desired. There is also an anti-bacterial pre-filter that takes care of larger particles. The amount of ions produced by the ionizer is equal enough to neutralize the particles that float in the air.

Surround air purifiers are highly efficient. A vehicle air purifier variety of Surround air purifier clears the air inside a car. HEPA air purifier and Multi-Tech Ionic are at the most popular models of this air purifier series. Use surround air purifiers to breathe refreshing, invigorating air at home.

Is stress ruining your life

Do you find it difficult to make decisions? Do you feel generally unsettled and sometimes downright irritable? When you stop and think about it are you aware of an underlying sense of anxiety or worry that permeates every aspect of your life?

If you’re nodding your head to all or most of these questions chances are that you are suffering from chronic stress.

Although the word stress is frequently heard it’s far reaching long term damage is little appreciated. Allowing it to continue builds invisible barriers in your life and limits your ability to simply enjoy life and your capacity to express emotions and appreciate opportunities. If a sense of stress becomes the norm rather than the exception you run the risk of inflicting serious damage to your health and limits to your future happiness.

Think about it – imagine how different your life would be if you just went ahead with decisions and once you made those decisions they didn’t come back to haunt you. Imagine how much more energy you’d have to enjoy activities that you put off now, because you ‘don’t feel up to it,’ or you ‘just have to get some extra work done.’

Don’t worry if you feel all of the above is pertinent – you are not alone. Stress and anxiety are commonplace in competitive environments and most workplaces. Unfortunately nowadays we are bought up to believe that you must be seen to succeed at everything and that you must be able to buy all the latest products and gizmos to add short-term enjoyment to your life.

With this kind of everyday pressure to face it’s not by accident that such conditions as IBS, chronic backache, depression, psoriasis and migraine are on the increase in our hi-speed, consumer oriented society. Understandably when we fall pray to these conditions we seek our doctor’s advice, who will invariably prescribe a drug regime. This traps you in a syndrome of dependency on drugs and feelings of failure because you are unable to cope with life like everyone else seems to.

What Can You Do to Avoid the Stress Trap?

The simple answer is to learn the art of living consciously and being self-aware in the right way. Instead of constantly going over thoughts in your head that point out your mistakes and what everyone else is thinking, ask yourself some useful questions.

You could start by posing the question: ‘How am I contributing to my feelings of stress?‘ This could lead you to examine what exactly you’re saying to yourself in your head and noticing whether it’s of value or helpful.

Then perhaps check whether you’re tensing up your body anywhere. You may suddenly be aware that every time you talk to a certain person you are unconsciously tensing up your neck and shoulders.

Now check whether you’re habitually imagining things going wrong, or rehearsing arguments to have or how to defend yourself.

Changing your thinking in this way may seem subtle but it has far reaching effects. Firstly it puts you back in control and makes you concentrate on the here and now instead of racing off into your own make-believe land of disaster.

Other key steps to the road of recovery and life enhancement are:

Acknowledge your current feelings – being aware is the first step to recovery.

Get help – seeking support is not a sign of weakness but a step of growth. Talking with a therapist, friends or family about your concerns and frustrations relieves emotional tension and brings a sense of relief – you’re not alone.

Learn how to relax – we so often feel that lying inert in front of the TV of an evening is relaxing. It isn’t. Your mind and body need the benefits of regular relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, calm moments of mental space, regular exercise. The resulting energy and clear head thinking you’ll experience will convince you of their worth.

Doing any or all of these exercises will help you regain control and start to create the life you were meant to have. Why wait any longer?

North america gets cheesy with raclette grills

Yes, the fondue pot of the 70’s was pretty cheesy, but in this century, nothing is more cheesy than raclette. In recent years fondue pots have experienced a resurgence in popularity, and with them has come the raclette grill. Though not traditionally well known in the US and Canada, raclette is suddenly experiencing a boom in popularity.

Raclette is a semi-soft, relatively mild, easily melted cheese from Switzerland. The term also refers to the cooking method of melting cheese at a tabletop grill and serving with a variety of accompaniments.

Legend has it that the original method for melting the raclette cheese began when Swiss herdsmen settled down for the night in their camps. They placed a hunk of cheese near their campfire and as it melted, scraped it off onto a slice of bread.

Today, this same meal is mimicked but with much greater variety of foods, and with electric raclette grills that are much more convenient. Though the melting method has changed over the years, this simple and entertaining meal has remained just as enjoyable for entertaining evenings with friends and family.

There are several kinds of raclette grills that you can choose from. Traditional raclette grills hold a half - or quarter-round of raclette cheese on an angle, with a heating element melting the surface of the cheese, which drips onto a plate of dried meats and other accompaniments.

Today, the most common raclette sets include a cheese-melting element with a grill for cooking meats at the table. They provide up to 8 people with individual cheese pans and feature non-stick, dishwasher safe surfaces for convenience and easy cleanup. Perfect for entertaining!

Portable raclette using fondue-type burners are also available for camping and picnicking.

A raclette grill can provide not only a delicious, hot-off-the-grill meal, but also provide a lot of fun for family and friends. For optimum enjoyment, serve traditional raclette with a Fendant or other light-bodied dry white wine. If you are grilling meats, serve a wine appropriate for the meats.

A traditional Swiss raclette meal uses raclette cheese with the following accompaniments:

- baguette bread

- small cooked potatoes

- small gherkins

- pickled onions

- charcuterie meats such as salami or proscuitto

You can also get very creative with a raclette meal. A departure from tradition – but an adventure in taste – could include:

Raw meat for grilling and dipping into sauces:

- Italian sausage cut into 1/4” slices

- Chicken tenderloins cut into 1” pieces

- Beef tenderloin cut into 1/2” cubes

- Shrimp and Scallops

Thinly sliced cheeses:

- Brie

- Camembert

- Oka

- Cheddar

- Cambezola

Vegetables, blanched to al-dente, such as:

- Mushrooms

- Broccoli

- Cauliflower

- Asparagus

Here are two excellent recipes for dipping sauces for your meats and vegetables:

Pimento Sauce

3/4 cups mayonnaise

1/4 cup sour cream

2 tablespoons tomato sauce

1/2 cup canned pimentos or 1 red bell pepper, roasted with skin removed

Salt and pepper, to taste

Blend all ingredients in a blender. Season to taste. Serve chilled.

Cucumber Garlic Sauce

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1/2 cup plain yogurt

1/2 cup sour cream

2 gloves of garlic, finely chopped

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 cucumber, peeled and finely chopped

1 tablespoon of finely chopped chives or green onion

1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley

1 tablespoon granulated sugar

fresh ground pepper

Mix well all ingredients. Serve chilled.


St Anton in Austria

St Anton in Austria is a world renowned skiing facility, positioned in the belt that is known as Austria’s skiing capital. Only 100 miles from Solden, and with Innsbruck and Otztal close by, visiting Austria on a skiing vacation could not get any easier, or more action-packed. The terrain is varied, and offers excellent opportunities for new skiers, experienced skiers and even snowboarding - that is on-the-up in this region. With 2 mountains, and a top of the range ski lift, skiers have no problems getting from A to B on the 30 000 feet slope. With views looking over the snowy hills and farmland, it is no wonder the area is a thriving hub for tourists, from around the world.

The terrain is varied, as well as the gradients that offer great opportunities for high speed, high octane acceleration, and lesser gradients that assist the new skiers in homing in their skills, 30 000 feet high in the St Anton mountains. St Anton does not have the tradition or acclaim that its neighbour Solden has managed to gain, however many from around the world still choose St Anton as their preference for an international skiing vacation. The reasons for this are simple – its appeals to a different skiing niche. Whilst Solden has hosted many world renowned skiing occasions, it has became too commercialised for some skiers who claim the facility has became to simple, and almost too forgiving on certain slopes.

With 8 runs and rising, St Anton has failed to give into pressure from around the world, for man-made slaloms, and safety alterations on runs. When you are skiing on certain sloped in St Anton, you have to have your wits about you, or something dangerous could easily happen. The facility has also gained much acclaim from adrenaline junkies in the snowboarding field, who rank St Anton as being one of the best facilities in the world. St Anton’s rise in snowboarding also came as it followed the new trend of offering night-time, freestyle snowboarding under flood lights and fireworks. This is becoming the new trend in snowboarding, and what better place to do it, than at St Anton.

During my trip to St Anton to check-it-out I found that the hotels around the area were brilliant, making it no problem for English speaking holiday makers to enjoy themselves. I stayed at a luxury 5 star hotel that had an indoor heated swimming pool. The swimming pool peaked out onto the top of a snowy mountain as you bathed in 40 degrees water.

I would have to say that the general feeling around the area is amazing, as you sense the genuine desire for skiing shared by everyone who goes along and takes part. Before I went I had never been skiing before, and I found the tuition excellent. They had multi-lingual skiing instructors on hand to try and aid any new skiers visiting the slopes. I was also taken to a specific slope that was built for new-starts, which also has an easy access point to a lift - perfect for picking that up as well.

The area is amazing to look at, and also offers great entertainment for the non-skier, or skier on a night-off! With clubs, pubs and shops all their to service the slopes, it is no wonder that the skiing facility has three 5 star hotels positioned next to the slopes. With all night entertainment within the hotels, and all-night snowboarding it really is impossible to get a minutes rest in St Anton. Should you visit it is said that the conditions are best around August, however that’s in the peak of the skiing season, making it impossible to get moving around the slopes. In order to benefit from the best conditions, whilst the slopes are quieter I would say November is the best time. You are also more likely to get discounts from your travel agent at this time.


Word Count 664



The Dragon is one of the most powerful and lucky Signs of the Chinese Zodiac. Its warm heart tempers its fiery and rambunctious nature. This is a giving, intelligent and tenacious Sign that knows exactly what it wants and is determined to get it. Dragons possess a certain natural, charm that ensures they can always influence their peers and often find themselves the center of attention in social situations. This Sign is truly blessed, too. Dragons are considered to be very lucky in love. The Dragon's friends are always keen to hear what this firebrand has to say and when it comes to dispensing advice, the Dragon has the floor.

Its ego can get in the way, but even so, this larger-than-life creature has a knack for creativity and leadership. According to Dragons, it's their natural born right to lead the way -- because who else could do it so surely and so well. As lucky as they are, Dragons have a good chance of achieving considerable material wealth during their lifetimes, although it isn't mere money that's this Sign's main motivation. Power is what the Dragon wants and truly believes it deserves. Dragons are quite the opportunists, forever searching for ways in which to consolidate their considerable power. Contrary to all this strength and fire, a weakened Dragon is a sad sack, a creature that refuses to take defeat with even a modicum of grace.

The leadership role is the only one for the Dragon, the better from which to give orders and be king of the hill. They make solid leaders, too, knowing instinctively what needs to be done to stay on top. Crossing the Dragon is never a good idea -- this beast can singe. A valuable life lesson for this clever creature would be to absorb the principles of flexibility, compassion and tolerance. Being high and mighty can serve to inspire others, but it also keeps Dragons from living their lives to the fullest. If Dragons can learn to balance their quest for success with an appreciation for the little things, their life will be more than worthwhile.

The most compatible match for a Dragon is the Monkey or the Rat.

Go for the best when it comes to bike lighting

There are several reasons why you must give bike lights your undivided attention. They save your skin by keeping you visible to those whose lights are shining in your eyes or those who are behind you. In terms of look, they add a dash of spice to what may otherwise be a nondescript looking machine. Lastly, if the lights are fancy enough, they hike up your bike’s resale value.

You need not worry about the top-end lights available in the market. They are meant for rugged use and have a long life. What you need to ensure is that they give your bike a smart look. Here are five lights that you can consider mounting on your bike:

1. Arlen Ness Ness-Tech Eyeball Billet Headlight: You may know the Nesses more for their skill with a grinder rather than with wire snips. But the company's stylish accessory line up has some eye-popping lighting. The Eyeball Billet Headlight is a chrome-plated 4.5-inch unit that looks like the human eye. It is a single-beam lamp with a 55-watt HZ3 bulb and lens.

2. Baron Custom Accessories Ultimate Light Bar: Baron's line of aftermarket accessories has a series of lighting solutions that is truly tempting. The latest light in their catalogue is the Ultimate Light Bar. You can install it onto your stock front turn signal mount. It has chromed billet-driving lights and indicator lights and comes with mounting hardware and wiring. The mount system lets you adjust the forward light projection angle.

3. Harley-Davidson Genuine Accessories Chrome Auxiliary Lighting Kit: The Auxiliary Lighting Kit is one of the very popular Harley-Davidson Genuine Accessories. It has chrome lamp housings and chrome mounting brackets to match the contour of the triple tree and highlight the headlamp. You’ll get the necessary wiring, switch and hardware for installation inside the kit. The bulbs have to be brought separately.

4. Headwinds Super Brite H4 Lamp: Headwinds has a wide range of lights, bulbs, housings and customized lights. The Super Brite Lamp is their latest product and quite eye catching. This light is probably the brightest that you can legally put on your bike. The xenon gas bulb produces 50 percent more light, decreases glare, and has clear glass lens that increase the whiteness and amount of light that hits the road. The light is interchangeable with existing SAE lamps found on Harley-Davidsons and some metric cruisers.

5. Cobra USA Steel Light bars: This is yet another top-of-the-line brand that offers spotlights, light bars and lighting details for almost every bike. The light bars can easily be fastened to the stock triple clamps. What’s more they look great too.

What everyone ought to know about yoga for kids

Yoga can be done by anyone, young, old, even kids. With a little help, even toddlers can do it.

Even though it’s simply introduction to yoga and done with a little bit of game playing, it doesn’t mean that kids cannot get the benefit out of this particular sport.

The benefits are:

• To be healthier and help obesity in children. By taking yoga class, kids are triggered to move. Nowadays, because of the computer games, kids move less than they ought to.

• To control their stress. Yes, children can get stressed out, too. Being over scheduled, tough competition in school, peer pressure, all are the cause of your kids’ strain. Yoga can help them to get relaxed. Their ability to control their breathing can be applied to deal with problems they face in real life.

• Better concentration. Controlling breathing is a way to learn how to focus. And yoga can be a very good way in learning that. Some studies have shown that kids who practice yoga, especially those with special needs, such as those with ADHD, are able to concentrate for longer periods of time.

Besides those benefit, yoga also can be a way for them to express themselves and develop their self-esteem. To those with special needs, it can be a way to learn how to socialize.

The method is flexible. Yoga for kids mostly is modified with game playing, singing, storytelling, drawing, simple breath meditations and rest. Poses are balanced between quiet and active ones.

Children follow the teacher’s instructions by learning the names of different body parts, their locations and function. That way, their yoga improves very quickly.

Yoga for kids should be enjoyable. Try to put your kids in a yoga class and see how they can grow stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally. And, they can have lots of fun. Ask them to stop, they would refuse.

Monday, September 26, 2016

The changing face of online dating

When online dating first began to enter into the social consciousness, it became known as a last ditch effort for lonely unfortunates, who had no other way to meet people. Comedy skits like the “Lowered Expectations” routine by MAD TV poked fun at the personals industry and the stereotypes of singles who “needed” to use dating services. These days, however, the online dating industry seems to be shedding its negative image, and trading it in for the new mainstream, popular way to connect with new people. How did this industry achieve its facelift? How did the socially awkard associations get traded in for its shiny new exterior?

The early path of online dating was a rocky one. It was rejected, made fun of, and openly mocked on television. These days, however, it seems that online dating has now been openly embraced by the masses who previously shunned it. As is often the case, once something has a few proud followers, it is much easier for others to become more and more accepting. This is certainly true for online dating. It took online dating persistence and continuous self improvement to become the internet force it has today. Just look around: practically everyone knows someone, or has heard of a friend of a friend who met their partner through an online dating service. These success stories have worked as the best free publicity online dating could have ever asked for. As more and more people heard success stories, they too became curious about what online dating really did have to offer. And as these people began finding success, they too told their friends, who signed up and then told their friends, and so on. This worked somewhat like a snowball effect, since people are much more likely to sign up for a service if they know someone who has used it, and especially if that friend has found success.

As the online dating industry began to grow, it also found ways to improve itself. While safety and privacy issues were a big concern for many people, new methods of ensuring privacy and safety have put many of those worries at ease. Better and faster features also developed, due, in part, to the growing number of online dating services. The increase in online dating websites encouraged competitive growth, and led to an increase in quality and features offered for members.

Although these are certainly not the only reasons that online dating has grown to become such a large and powerful industry (credit can also be given to the increased role the internet plays in our daily lives, and the demand for fast, effective, cheap, and convenient ways to meet people in the increasingly industrialized and busy world), they have certainly added fuel to the ever-growing fire.

Getting help with your term papers

Sometimes, assignments such as term papers can be overwhelming, especially if a student doesn’t know what the project includes. A term or research paper is a form of academic writing that entails a more abstract, critical and thoughtful level of inquiry that is beyond the usual writing that you may be used to. Although writing a term paper may seem to be a daunting task especially if it’s your first time to write one. There are various term papers writing tutorials online that are available for free complete with discussions and lectures at the college level and of course let us not forget the famous saying that states that “practice makes perfect”-this means simply that the more you write the better you will become in writing term papers.

There are various steps involved in writing terms papers and these are as follows:

• You need to familiarize yourself with the works of the professionals or the subject or topic of your term paper. Research online or better yet interview personally various authorities on the subject or topic that you are going to write about. Build your subject based from the information that you have gathered.

• Compare their ideas with yours regarding your topic for the term paper.

All of your gathered information will comprise the supporting facts for your topic or your subject. You need to outline all the relevant information you have gathered including your own ideas on your topic. This may come as a surprise to you but you will soon find out that most of your professors are more interested in applying your own ideas in providing academic context and credibility to what you want to prove.

This is because your professors already know what the experts are saying regarding the topic since there are already hundreds of books written about the subject and all conclusions are just the same. But your conclusion and views on your subject matter are fresh ideas that have not been documented or published into a book.

Now that you know that a term paper is more of a presentation of your own ideas backed up with information from some of the experts in the topic you have chosen, it’s now going to be easy for you writing your term paper. You have two styles to choose from on how you want to present your ideas in the term paper and these are either analytical or argumentative.

The analytical way of writing your term paper makes use of evidence to analyze the different facets of an issue. On the other hand, the argumentative way of writing term papers employs the use of evidence in order to attempt to convince the reader to agree on your particular stand on the presented debatable topic. Moreover, in creating an argumentative term paper, the very main focus is given to your insights since this serves as the center on which an argumentative paper balances rather than just interspersed or tacked on the end of analytical papers. It is also the most popularly used style in writing term papers. Whatever strategy or style you choose to present your idea it will create a great impact on how your term paper will be graded or accepted for its relevance.

Niche marketing the right way

Niche marketing is hot these days. Membership sites pop up everywhere inviting you to make tons of money. All you have to do is find or buy the highest paying Adsense ads and add them to your pages filled with automatically generated content.

That's NOT niche marketing, that's Adsense marketing. It's a numbers game and it's dangerous. I'll explain that below.

How did this so called Niche Marketing develop? Solid niche marketing advice already existed for some time. Very often you were advised to follow your passion or expertise and set up a site for that.

Then, RSS feed techniques lead to software programs that scrape content from directories. You have to do absolutely nothing but entering a bunch of keywords and presto ... thousands of new content rich pages are automatically added to your niche site.

And when Joel Comm presented his Adsense Secrets showing how he went from $30 a day to $500 a day - mind you, a good book with solid advice, no doubt about that - suddenly we had three variables that are responsible for the hype:

1. niche marketing,

2. content generating software and

3. high paying Adsense keywords.

Let's have a look at each of these variables in reverse order.

High paying Adsense keywords.

Suddenly someone discovered that there are certain keywords that are of great value. Advertisers paid a lot of money to have their products displayed on pages using these specific keywords. It was said that a keyword like 'mesothelioma' or derivates would pay 50 to 70 dollars a click. I just entered this in Google Adwords, bidding 90$ per click and it returned with an estimated number of clicks per day of 6.2. Now, these figures are just estimates, but if this is true, with a 1% click-thru it means you would have to wait about 16 days to earn my 90 dollars!

Again, just assumptions, I only want to make a point. Adsense is a numbers game. You'll need thousands of visitors AND good click-thru's to make decent money.

To get thousands of visitors you either have to buy traffic (Adwords or other PPC's) or create search engine friendly pages. Now, type in 'mesothelioma' in Google and observe the PageRanks of the resulting pages. PR 5 or higher! Hard job to beat them! That means ... work!

To get great click-thru's you'll have to test where you place your Adsense code. Dang, even more work!

But there's something else, something more important. Read this carefully ...

Do you really believe ...

that advertisers are going to pay that much money only ...

to have their expensive ads displayed on ...

automatically generated content pages?

Huh ... do you ... huh?


There's a fine line you have to follow playing the Adsense game. And generating content automatically, no matter where it comes from, is like walking an elephant over a paper bridge. It kills the system!

Now, let's have a look at ...

Content generating software

I'm sure in the past you have used the search engines to find information about a specific topic only to find that if you click the resulting pages ... you'll see another 'search-engine'-like page.

That was the work of a niche marketer (specific info) scraping search engine result pages (SERP's) with 'page generating software' to quickly generate thousands of pages about the topic.

Search engines don't like that. You see, they are looking for great, valuable and original content. That's what they want to provide to their users so they keep coming back.

And here's another biggie ...


The last thing they'll need is another copy of their own pages. And that's exactly what this software will generate.

Mind you, the software IS good, it does exactly what it promises. I've used one of these packages long time ago and that one certainly DID work.

But this kind of software also leaves fingerprints for the search engines who are getting smarter all the time. Eventually they will discover automatically generated content, ignore these pages of even penalize them. That's why I stopped using such software long, long time ago.

The only way to use this kind of software in a responsible way is to change the templates that come with the package. And to do that right means ...

(a lot of) work.

And that's something that wasn't included in the deal!

These days this strategy has changed into scraping articles from directories. All you have to do is enter a keyword and presto ... an article containing that keyword is placed in your page.

That won't work either and for the same two reasons: fingerprints and copies.

Search engines don't like duplicate content and that's exactly what this software generates.

The latest trick is software that uses a thesaurus to change article content on the fly. Apart from copyright issues, I've seen results of that and they were just hilarious.

If you want to use reprint articles for keyword rich content, you have to at least add some unique content to the page. You could write a review or your own opinion telling what you think is good and bad about the article that you posted below.

Dang, work again!

Publishing a reprint article every now and then won't hurt you, but it does when you do nothing else. And the article content better fit well into your pages and even into your site. If it's way of topic, you won't get far.

Here's a great tip: find unique Public Domain Software! Go here: http://www. anownsite. com/products/public-domain/

Now, let's go down to the core of the business ...

Niche Marketing

Let's define a niche first:

A niche is just a tiny, (highly) specialized marketplace.

A marketplace means that there's demand and supply. Basically there are two ways to enter a niche:

1. follow your passion (supply) or

2. follow the money (demand).

If you follow your passion it will be easy to develop content: you're the expert and you do what you love. But you still have to find out if the passion you're following is profitable!

And if you follow the money, you're already on the right track, but you will have a difficult time to develop content. Recently I found one on Ebay. But I didn't do a thing with it. Know why? Cause I don't know squat about millinery! (THERE you have it! a niche market!)

In order to follow the money, you have to develop some ... passion for the niche otherwise you can't fill your site properly.

So, either way you have to do something extra. Now, let's redefine a niche. Let's define a ... profitable niche!

A profitable niche is a highly specialized marketplace with few competitors, high demand and money to pay for that demand.

That's what you have to find out.

"Gheesssss Case, you really make it sound like ... eh ... work!"

Not necessarily.

If you have no idea how to do that, read my article about niche markets. http://www. anownsite. com/articles/niche-markets. shtml

It's just to give you an idea. Right now I'm working on a special guide on how to find profitable niches, so stay tuned.

If you don't want to do all the work to find profitable niches, just have a look at the 50 hot niches that were selected by niche expert James. B. Allen. http://www. anownsite. com/products/niches/index. html

Or, if you act quickly, you can join what looks like a very, very promising and brand new niche site where everything already is done for you called Niche Site Special. http://www. anownsite. com/cgi-bin/u. cgi? nss

Now, if you really have found your niche and you've found profitable affiliate programs that you can gently pre-sell, then and only then you can consider adding Adsense to your pages. Provided that you deliver unique, high value content! You CAN add some reprint articles, but most of your content should be yours.

And you'd better use a search engine optimized website for that! (Right now I'm developing such a system, so again, stay tuned.)

Bottom line: you still have to do some work or buy the results of such work!

THAT is the right way to perform niche marketing!

Have fun!

Case Stevens

Painting and face painting books

We all like being creative. Our busy schedule hardly gives us any time to spent time with our self’s. Constant focus on work makes our life dull. One of the best ways to make your life colorful is by doing some painting in your spare time. A Painting Book consists of some beautiful and decorative paintings. If you are an artist it will definitely help your cause.

Today you can find many painting book outlets providing some wonderful painting books. If you would like to learn painting you can find a painting book that meets your cause. There are books for beginners that provide step by step guidance of different aspects of painting. These books also provide you with some useful information about color mixing. Painting books are also available for advanced artist. These painting books are highly advanced and drive the artist to new world of creativity.

There are different types of painting books that can suit your needs. One of such types is a Face Painting Book.

Face Painting Book will provide you all the tips and techniques that professional face painter artist use. The painting book provides you with all the fabulous face painting designs, simple and easy techniques and useful stepwise guidelines.

The painting books consists books like creative painting books, facial art books, wild animal face books, scary face books, FX face books, etc. These books contain different tutorials on painting animal's faces, scary faces, etc.

You can use the face painting books and paint an animal or a Dracula out of a human. The book also provides a complete guide on how to questions. These how to questions will help you provide answers to different questions. Even if you are known to the art of face painting, the book will help you improvise your techniques and strokes. In addition, many new designs and ideas are provided in most of the books.

Work at home success

The First step to Work at Home Success “Achieving the Work at Home Dream”

You can download every e-book on work at home success available and in every one they will all cover one specific topic. Work at home success comes from motivated work at home income. Every work at home e-book will tell you that without a dream or passion, your work at home success will turn into work at home failure. You have to be driven.

Working at home is a dream for many people from all walks of life. Often people have a preconceived notion as to what work at home success really means, and as they start the journey they find they wished they were better equipped before proceeding.

Working at home and making a healthy living is possible. Hundreds of thousands of people transition home to the work at home successful marketplace every year. There’s no reason that with a little planning and a bit of passion you can’t join them in their successful work at home endeavors.

Passion about Working at Home “Achieving the Work at Home Dream”

Passion is the first step in your work at home success. You must feel strongly motivated to bring home that paycheck in order to make it work. There will be bumps in the road that may try to dissuade you along the way, and your passion has to be prepared to take up the slack and run with it even when the road isn’t so smooth.

There will be numerous roadblocks to your successful home based entrepreneurial dreams. One of the biggest roadblocks is other people. Don’t expect friends and family members to support your idea. If they do, consider yourself lucky. But people are often jealous of those who put themselves out there and make successful working at home an option. Some people believe that work at home businesses are scams and nobody can really make them successful. Do not let their words deter you. Focus on your passion and you will begin to see yourself growing and learning and reaching your milestones.

Most people never really try to find their own work at home success because they are afraid to fail. Fear of failure is a serious motivator to keep a job they hate and rely on security they’ve come to trust. Of course we all know there is no such thing as security any more. Some people need to believe that there is, and they will not support your work at home success. That’s where your passion can bring you out ahead of the game.

Work at home e-books will tell you that your fire has be able to endure the time it takes for your successful home based entrepreneurial dreams to begin to show concrete results. It takes work in the beginning. And at first you will be working your regular job plus growing your home office into your final work space. You will be tired sometimes and there will be moments you will think about quitting. How badly you want your work at home success will determine your actions during those moments.

Motivated Work at Home Income “Achieving the Work at Home Dream”

Your motivated work at home income is based on exactly that. Any work at home e-book will tell you that motivation will get you there. As you proceed to develop your home office, you will have to find a few basic traits within yourself to keep going. Chances are you already have them since you devised the plan to work at home in the first place. For starters, you need to believe in yourself. It is basic psychology. If you think you can do it, you can. If you believe you are wasting your time, you are. Believing in yourself is not a negative trait. Self confidence is a positive understanding that you are a capable human being able to face challenges and make good decisions. In our society, we have unflattering names for women who are self confident and hold a high belief in themselves. Tune it out. A strong belief in yourself will carry you very far as you work toward your work at home success.

Work at home success takes a bit of courage. You are still stepping out of the box even with the masses that are transitioning home to work carving the path for you. Most people in society believe working involves leaving the house and taking care of your family’s financial obligations by putting in your time and working a job. Leave their opinions far behind you as you find your own work at home success.

Motivated work at home income requires discipline. Discipline has two faces. The first face is the discipline to do something every single day to help foster your work at home success, but any good work at home e-book will tell you that you also need the discipline to put it aside for a time every day as well. Becoming stressed, obsessive, or placing so much pressure on your success will only create the counter effect. Keep yourself focused on your goals without ignoring the needs of people around you. You are still entitled to vacations and day trips and special time with the family. You don’t have to work it to absolute death every single day.

Motivated work at home income requires flexibility. Flexibility is of course one of the reason why you are building your work at home success to begin with. Getting there also requires flexibility. It is okay to re-evaluate your plan and adjust along the way to make your work at home success more attainable. Come to your work at home project every day with energy and determination, but notice where your actions are taking you and concentrate your focus on those things that are proving you successful. If you plan wisely and strategically, you will begin to see positive results in a fairly short period of time.

Focus on short term goals at first. Set a reasonable mark for each and every month, one that you are reasonably sure you can achieve without setting the bar too low. You want your goals to be something you can hit without killing yourself but you want them to help keep you motivated as well.

If at first you are failing at your goals, this does not mean your work at home success is out of reach for you. It just means you have to re-evaluate your plan of action and adjust. Failure is only failure if it means you walk away from your motivated desire. Learning from your mistakes makes you more likely to succeed in the long term rather than ride a short term wave of success.

Failure I no way means that the nay sayers in your life were accurate about your work at home success. It just means that you have the courage to try something different and you are entitled to a learning curve along the way. You don’t have a boss breathing down your neck telling you exactly what to do and how to do it and making you re-do it if you mess it up. You have your brains, support, a few notions and a dream. You have the ability to make reasonable decisions along the way and the courage to keep chasing what can ultimately be yours.

Work at home success does not have to take years. It can be accomplished in a surprisingly short period of time. You have to maintain a passion for your business as well as your dream, but that work at home success is not elusive. It is within your reach if you simply follow a few basic guidelines like we illustrated above.

More Work at Home Success Tips “Achieving the Work at Home Dream”

Honestly, the list of guidelines and the basics to finding your own work at home success could go one forever. There is a lot to learn when making a transition from the work a day world to the work at home program. You and your family will go through an adjustment period that may or may not be stressful. You may find that the actual day that you choose to quit your regular job and revel and grow your success is one of the scariest days of your life. This is normal.

You are not alone. You are not even close to being alone. There are hundreds of thousands of successful home based entrepreneurs that go through what you are experiencing every year, and now you can have access to their advice and their knowledge.

Website that offers hands down the most effective information for attaining your home based business success is ALLWORKATHOME. Here you will find every piece of information and inspiration you could ever hope for. This web site will effectively wipe out the nay sayers in your life and assist you in keeping your fire ablaze while you lay down the foundation for your work at home success. Whether you are just thinking about a home based lifestyle or have already made the transition home, this website is a daily must visit!

Home business and electronic publications

Electronic publications are books, magazines, and journals that are created exclusively electronically, and there is no printing involved for the seller or distributor of the material. A lot of home businesses have seen success marketing e-books and catalogs electronically. Some of this material may be found other places on the Internet, but much of it is authored by the seller of the e-publications. Everyone has experience with something, and the odds are that there is a market out their for an e-book that explains the process.

Creating e-books and journals as a home business can be successful if you do it correctly. First find something that you are very good at, or surf the web and put together a good collection that is already written. If you have certain knowledge or skills, why not author your own e-book and sell this? Certain websites give away free e-books to draw customers to their online store or website, with the premise being that giving away electronic publications will bring customers who will then make a purchase. This marketing technique is actually quite successful in some home businesses, but you must have products that inspire trust and a need in your customers.

No matter what your home business is based on, whether it is products or services, electronic publications can help you make your home business more successful. Marketing plays a big part in the success of any business, whether it is home based or not, and electronic publications allows anyone with no knowledge of publishing to create a professional e-book or other publication. If you have an online store, an electronic catalog of your most popular items could be e-mailed to the customers on your mailing list. A couple of hours worth of work putting together your electronic catalog could result in substantially more sales and profit for your business. If you are running a home based Forex trading business, electronic publications of the market reports will save you time and money by allowing online access from the comfort of your own home.

Whether your home business will be using electronic publications that you have created or publications that are already prepared, electronic publications have greatly simplified the home based business. It has become very easy for even a novice at the Internet to create professional looking electronic publications. These publications may give your home business the edge that makes it a success.

Copyright © 2007 Joel Teo. All rights reserved.

Geting ahead in your career with an online education

The path to get ahead, as many studies and surveys have brought out, is taking some online courses or getting an online degree. This opportunity that has rapidly evolved in the recent years allows many of us who do not have access to university or college campus due to various reasons to get ahead and obtain an education certification. Today, more and more institutions are offering a variety of classes online and you can choose between a certificate, a diploma or even a degree.

Online education opens vistas that were unavailable previously. It allows people to take courses in their own time while continuing to pursue their jobs. Study through online also allow people to upgrade their existing skills, or perhaps change their careers completely. Those who are unable to go back to school full time can still pursue their dreams while working and thus able to continue to pay the bills of everyday life. Not everyone can quit a job for school as student loans are not easy to obtain and they do not cover enough of the costs associated with a quality education program.

The individuals who need to to work can continue do so and yet at the same time, obtain an online education. They can get online and do their course work whenever they are able to spare some time. To get ahead and quality education, sparing a few hours each evening and on the weekends is not much to ask for, especially when it places you on the fast track to a new career with better pay.

Online education may also be the perfect choice for you if you don't live in a metropolitan area. In the past, students would have had to move to a city that housed a college or university. This was just about impossible if your spouse had a great job and your kids were still in school. Unfortunately in these situations, the education had to be put on hold. This is no longer true as you can log on and work toward that degree without even leaving your house - beauty of technology.

With most online education classes, you sign up to whatever institution you would like to attend, no matter where it is, and they will send you all the material you will need almost immediately. Depending on the course layout, you may need to go to certain place to write the final exam, but the rest of the course work can be done at home at your own pace.

Before you consider taking any online classes, you should consider about how much time you will have to spend on your homework. Some people are under the wrong impression that online courses are easier and take less time than classes taken in a traditional classroom setting. This is often not the case.

The time required for the course is generally discussed upfront with you. Most institutes indicate the normal duration and the minimum input required to meet that time schedule and commitment. Make sure that you can devote at least the minimum suggested required time. Often the time required is more than the recommended as the pupil is unable to lead a disciplined routine - common. It is very easy to get into the habit of putting things off to the next day. That is why it is important to set a deadlines that you adhere to strictly and do the daily work.

Online education is great for those who are discipline and can manage their time well. Many courses have advisers on call who can be contacted whenever you need clarifications. It is better to check your suitability for a course by taking on a few classes and shorter courses before signing up for a long duration degree course - you do not want to regret it only in the middle of the course program. If you can manage your time well, can lead a disciplined schedule, can finish the work in a timely manner, then the path of online education is meant just perfect for you.

Baby formula goes organic

Organic foods may finally get a seat at the kids' table.

Seven out of 10 Americans said they prefer organic alternatives. It's probably no surprise that many parents say they want to give their babies the benefits of an organic product when it comes to feeding them baby formula. However, the problem has been that until recently, there hasn't been an organic formula available that provides babies with two key nutrients for mental and visual development: the lipids DHA and ARA.

The Role Of Nutrition

"These lipids are naturally supplied from mom to baby in breast milk, but in reality, not all moms can breast feed. If parents formula feed, and choose an organic infant formula, it's essential that they use an organic formula enriched with DHA and ARA," explains Dr. Barbara Levine, director of the Nutrition Information Center and associate professor of nutrition in clinical medicine at Weill College of Medicine of Cornell University.

The only nationally distributed organic baby formula with DHA and ARA is available at Wal-Mart and is called Parent's Choice Organic Infant Formula, made by PBM Nutritionals. In addition to having the essential lipids, the formula is enriched with the same nutrients as other baby formulas and meets the strict infant formula guidelines set by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration.

Finding Affordable Formula

The formula helps parents looking for organic alternatives in a second way as well: It can save them some green. PBM got around the problem of high-priced organic foods by distributing its product nationally through Wal-Mart stores. Doing so allowed the manufacturer to reach many parents who did not have access to organic formulas-and to keep prices relatively low.

Sunday, September 25, 2016


Is Re-Financing Worth the Hassle?

Some homeowners may never re-finance while others may re-finance frequently. This is a decision which is largely a matter of personal preference. Sure there are some financial benefits which may result from re-financing but for some homeowners these benefits are not worth the hassle of going through a mortgage re-finance. For these homeowners the amount of savings overall or the opportunity to lower monthly payments is simply not worth the effort of investigating the re-financing options, comparison shopping for lenders and paying closing costs to obtain a re-finance.

Are Some Homeowners Just Lazy?

Yes, let’s face it we have all visited a friend’s house to find dust bunnies under the couch or unfolded laundry lying on the floor. However, laziness is usually not the culprit when a homeowner opts not to refinance despite the opportunity for an overall savings or lower monthly payments. In these cases the homeowner may simply decide not to re-finance because they are not confident in making the right decision. These homeowners essentially decide they are happy with their current financial situation and are not willing to make changes which may or may not improve this condition. It is likely that these same homeowners would re-finance their home if all the work was done for them and they were guaranteed an improved financial situation.

Do Some Homeowners Just Not Understand the Financial Benefits?

This may be true as well. Homeowners who do not fully comprehend the potential savings which may be involved in re-financing are not likely to undergo the re-financing process. For these homeowners it may seem as though the efforts are not worthwhile for the benefits that are received. If the homeowner had a clearer understanding of the situation they might have a different opinion but in this case the homeowners may be unable to comprehend the ramifications of a re-finance.

Consider the factors involved in re-financing. Most of the equations use to justify the benefits of re-financing are rather complex. There are calculators available online which make it extremely simple for homeowners to enter the known information and obtain the desired results. However, these calculators typically do not explain how the calculations are performed. This can make it hard for some homeowners to simply accept the results produced by these calculators. When this is the case the homeowner is not likely to be inclined to automatically accept the results generated by these calculators. Additionally, the homeowner may not consider re-financing until they are able to confirm these calculations. Depending on the homeowner’s mathematical skills, this could be either a short process or a long process.

Can You Convince a Homeowner to Re-Finance?

This is a hard question to answer because it depends on a number of factors. Some homeowners may be extremely trusting and may be convinced to re-finance with little effort at all. Conversely some homeowners may be quite guarded in terms of their financial situation. These homeowners may be suspicious of claims that the re-financing can improve their financial situation. These suspicions can make it extremely difficult for a homeowner to be convinced to make a change. Once suspicions begin to develop the homeowner may either seek out more information on the subject or become less receptive to additional information. While one case may lead to the homeowner being more likely to be convinced to re-finance the other case will likely make him less willing to re-finance.


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