Sunday, September 18, 2016

Wee men

We often think that shopping is exclusive for women to enjoy. The hour long stay in the fitting room and the thirty minute stare and gaze at the mirror, the all day canvassing and decision making, and the store cursing. But actually, men also exist in the shopping world.

Yes, we often see them with a lady in department stores helping them choose and decide. But avoid these stereotypes because women are not the only group who jump with their hearts upon hearing the magic word, sale. Men also go to fitting rooms, but not as long as women do. They don't usually canvass since their garments do not produce a wide array of choices unlike women's apparel. They also do not go cursing stores when they purchased a bad item.

Guys, this is for you. Many of you find it hard in choosing your garments. There is just a lot of studying to do with the techniques of shopping. Women already have this installed in their systems, but you do not and you got to study hard. Do not give up just yet because you can learn all the secret techniques women have in purchasing stuff. As a beginner, it is better to study the most difficult first. The toughest to shop is the underwear. Even women still find it hard to buy underwear because of a lot of choices. This is a very tricky one because it is an item you need to try on, but unfortunately some stores won't let you, forcing you to buy it right away.

Swallow this guys, this is very important - always follow the priority list in shopping especially when you are dealing with underwear otherwise you are going to end up throwing the new one away, and wearing your old one for two days and that is just not good. Plus, you will surely lose women points, and love opportunity.

Here is the priority list:

1. Size

The size is very important. Always see it to it that your size is available.

2. Durability and Quality

You should first check if the brand of the merchandise is reliable. Like when your friends recommend it to you. The durability and the quality is the most important factor that is why it is on the top of the list. You should also check the quality if it is sewn well.

3. Clothing Material and Texture

Many men have skin irritations and allergies. So, make sure that the material used is compatible with your skin and also make sure that you won't have problems in the future. Feel the garment to know the texture. Never buy it when you do not know the material used.

4. Garter and Size

Once you get to feel the texture, also check the garter. It is much better when the garter is inside so that it won't be itchy.

5. Color and Price

The last in the priority list would be the color of your choice and the budget you allotted for the item.

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